Welcome. If you would like to submit a prayer request to the PCJC Prayer Alliance Team, please click on the Prayer Alliance Request button. You are welcome to fill out a request for yourself, a friend or family member. Your name and contact information is optional, however please be sure to include these if you mark on the form that you would like a Prayer Alliance Team member to contact you. All requests will be held in confidence by the Superintendent, or the PCJC Prayer Alliance team or both, as indicated on your request.

The PCJC Prayer Alliance is administered by volunteers. Every attempt will be made to handle your request on weekdays, but not weekends or holidays. If this request is an urgent or emergency matter, please contact your local Church prayer team or your pastor. 

If you would like to leave a request for the PCJC Prayer Alliance Team, we will be honored to pray for those needs expressed. 

To learn more about the PCJC Prayer Alliance, please email us at prayer@pcjcfm.org.

GOD bless you.